

The CLXmusic tuner Buddie is a tuner for all instruments.
This tuner has 5 modes for the specific tuning of
guitar, bass, violin, ukulele and also a chromatic mode.
The illuminated display shows the string to be tuned,
a needle-style indicator and a changing color indicates whether the respective string is tuned too high or too low.
(see image below)
After switching on the tuner, it automatically switches to the tuning mode and can therefore be used immediately.
The voting guide is printed on the packaging (see below)


The CLXmusic tuner 2.0 is a tuner for all instruments.
The tuner is placed on the head of the guitar.
The tuner can be rotated 360 degrees so that the display is always optimally visible.
The housing is made of rubber and is very solid.
The illuminated display shows the string to be tuned,
a needle-style indicator shows whether that string is too high or too low.
After switching on the tuner, it automatically switches to the tuning mode and can therefore be used immediately.
The voting guide (shown below) is included in the package in 2 languages as a removable card .